Pregnancy Salsa

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First 3 Weeks of Pregnancy

Nothing special happens in first 2 weeks of pregnancy, It can be easily said first 2 weeks are empty

Why Last menstrual period (LMP) date is important in pregnancy?

 Let’s start with date of first day of menstrual cycle. This date of first day of menstrual cycle is very important while calculating duration of pregnancy. Whenever you go to doctor, he will ask for this date. Your healthcare provider will also ask the date of start of last menstrual period. As it is difficult to know, when exactly conception occurs so we calculate due date from the beginning of last menstrual period. And this method of calculating duration of pregnancy with is widely used all over the world. It is easy and more reliable to calculate duration of pregnancy with LMP.


During first week of menstrual cycle you are having your periods. So nothing special happening during this week.


 During second week your egg is making itself ready for its release from ovary. The ovulation occurs around 14th day of menstruation and conception will occur after ovulation (assuming duration of your cycle  is 28 days).

Another thing is happening inside you is development of endometrium as it always occur during each second week of pregnancy.


As soon as egg releases it enters into fallopian tube and starts travelling towards uterus. If you had sex during these days and sperms are available in fallopian tube, FERTILIZATION may occur.   You will be pregnant in around third week of your menstrual cycle.

Do you know, as soon as the lucky sperm enters the egg, it develops changes in its wall, so no other sperm can enter the egg now. There is no chance for any other sperm now. Yes it is sad for rest of sperms who lost race but its law of nature, only one wins.

When sperm enters egg, it becomes zygote. Zygote starts to divide in two, four, eight cells and division of cells continue. this cluster of cells moves towards its destination in uterine wall. It burrows itself in lining of uterine wall. This process of burrowing in uterine wall is called IMPLANTATION.

If you have slight spotting (a lot lighter than periods) , it is due to implantation of zygote.

YOU AT THIS TIME :During first two weeks of pregnancy, no change occurs in your body. It can be said, first two weeks of pregnancy are empty.

 More over at this time, you also don’t know you are pregnant. There are no sign and symptoms of pregnancy at this time of cycle but lots of things are happening in your body. Pregnancy hormones are rising and giving your body a signal not to menstruate in coming cycle.