Pregnancy Salsa

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8th Week of Pregnancy

8th week has arrived. Now 32 weeks are left to process. You and your baby are growing together.

How is Baby Doing?

 Baby is Fetus now:

Your baby will be called fetus now. Fetus mean off spring. Your baby is growing very fast now at a rate of 1mm per day. At this time, it is about the size of a raspberry. Your baby’s tail is decreasing in size and will vanish soon.

Baby’s limbs development:

Baby’s arms are growing and ridges will appear on webbed ends. They will start to differentiate into hands and fingers.

Lower limbs are also elongating but there is still sometime in development of feet, toes and ankles.

Face development:

Face is growing and lower jaw is taking shape. Eyes are more prominent this time, Retina is starting to develop. A button like nose is appearing on face. Ears are also forming fast. Soon baby will hear, what is going on in your digestive system.

Umbilical cord:

Umbilical cord is increasing in size and becoming smooth on surface. Placenta is also growing in size and improving its connection with mommy’s blood. It is lifelong connection 0f love & attachment.

Amniotic fluid:

Amniotic fluid volume is also increasing in volume. It provides cushion to developing fetus.

You at This Week:

At this time, you may not be looking pregnant but your inside is telling you fully. You may not be fine but your baby is fine. Take deep breath and relax.

Morning sickness:

Your morning sickness may be accompanying you. Hopefully you will be comfortable in 12th to 14th week. You may be feeling nauseous all day. You cannot eat big meals, just nibbling on snacks all day.

Heart burn:

Heart burn can disturb you any time of day especially at night. Take care of your diet and add some physical activity before lying down.

Feeling tired:

You may be feeling fatigued all day. Don’t worry. Your pregnancy hormones are making you feel tired and sleepy.

Pregnancy glow:

People around you will compliment on your glowing skin and shiny hair. This is Glow of pregnancy. Enjoy it fully.

See your baby’s heart beat on ultrasound:

If you have ultrasound now, you can see heartbeat of your baby. Seeing it first time is an amazing experience. Two hearts are beating inside you at this time.

Increase in vaginal discharge:

There may notice white colored vaginal discharge. It is due to increased blood flow in pelvic area. If you feel any thing abnormal with discharge like change in color, consistency or smell, consult your doctor.

Frequency of urination:

You are running to wash room to pee more than usual. There is increase in blood volume in pregnancy, so increase in circulation of blood & more pee formation.

Bloating & Constipation:

 Pregnancy hormones relaxes smooth muscles in digestive system. There is delay in movement and digestion of food. It causes bloating & constipation.

Things to do:

• Appointment for ultrasound if you have not taken already.

• Take care of your food cravings, try to opt healthy.

• Add vegetables and fruits in diet for nutrition and fiber.

• Continue prenatal vitamins especially Folic Acid.

• Plan for coming days in pregnancy.