Pregnancy Salsa

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7th Week of Pregnancy

What Happens During 7th Week of Pregnancy?

It is seventh week. of pregnancy. You are in second month of pregnancy. About half of first trimester has passed. There are 33 weeks to go. Your baby is growing fast. Let’s see what is happening with you and your little one.

How is your baby doing?

Size of Baby:

Your baby is growing rapidly. It is around 10 millimeter in size (roughly size of a blue berry). It sounds very tiny. It is around 10,000 times larger in size when it reached in your womb.

Development of arms & legs (upper & lower limbs):

Now your baby has a tail and paddles. It looks like a tadpole, swimming in fluid pool in your uterus. These paddles will increase in length and form arms and legs. End of these paddles (arm buds) will flatten in shape of web. Later, these webbed structures will develop into hands. Cartilage is also forming in limbs and this cartilage will change into bones & joints later on.

Development of Eyes & Ears:

Face has begun to develop. Eyes & ears are in process of formation. Your baby will start hearing soon as inner ears have started to develop. Outer part of ears will start developing in couple of weeks

Development of nervous system:

 Brain and head are growing faster. Nerve cells are multiplying in number. Brain and spinal cord are in process to take shape.


Baby is developing its kidneys too. When kidneys will start working then your baby will be peeing inside you in amniotic fluid.

Umbilical cord:

umbilical cord is in formation and it will connect mother and baby. This connection will last for your entire life (mother & child love).

How You are Doing now a days?

Your uterus is also growing in size but still can’t feel it in abdomen. Uterus is still in pelvis.

Missing periods:

Levels of pregnancy hormones are rising in your blood. Progesterone hormone supports the lining of uterus (endometrium) and suppresses ovulation. This is reason, you don’t have periods in pregnancy. Now your endometrium will not shed & you will miss periods.

 Digestive system:

Progesterone relaxes all muscles. It also affects your digestive system and it is the reason you feel heart burn (feeling of burn in stomach) and constipation.


Progesterone causes retention of water in your body. That’s why you look bit PUFFY. Those who don’t know about pregnancy, will think you are gaining weight.

Your gums & teeth:

You may be taking appointment of dentist for sore gums or bleeding gums. They also turn sensitive during pregnancy.

Morning sickness:

You will be having morning sickness. Intensity may vary from person to person (mild to moderate to

 Severe). You will start feeling comfort around 14 weeks.


Your breasts are growing in size. You might be happy, they are bigger & if they were not sore. Nipples are more sensitive and tender to touch. Areola is also turning color and is darker now.

Frequent urination:

You are running more often to wash room for peeing. It seems as urinary bladder is controlling life. your bladder is deciding, when you will wake up at night and when you will sleep. Only we know, how difficult it is to get up from deep sleep and go to washroom. For me it was longest journey ever travelled (during pregnancy from bed to washroom at night).

Things to do:

• See your health care provider/midwife/doctor if you have not consulted before.

• Book for your first trimester ultrasound. It is very important.

• Eat small, frequent and healthy meals for relief in nausea. Avoid heavy, oily, spicy and big meals.

• Add vegetables and fruits in your diet for nutrition and relief in constipation.

• Continue your prenatal vitamins especially Folic Acid

• If you are smoker, please quit it. It is good chance to quit smoking forever.

• When you feel tired, take rest. You need it.