Pregnancy Salsa

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6th Week of Pregnancy

What Happens during 6th Week of Pregnancy

It is sixth week now. You are in 2nd month now. There are 34 more weeks to go. We all may wonder, how baby is growing, what’s happening inside mother’s body.

Baby is very small, about size of a grain of lentil. It is still an embryo. It still resembles to tadpole in shape as it has a tail. This tail will disappear in some time in uterus. In uterus, baby lives in amniotic sac and swims in amniotic fluid.

Heart of baby

Now a large bulge will appear where heart will form. You may see your cardiac activity on ultrasound.

Brain Development

 Neural tube closes by this time. A bud will appear at head end of neural tube and this will turn into your baby’s brain.

Eyes Development

Two thickenings will appear on upper area and your baby’s eyes will develop here. After few weeks, your baby will have eyes to see the world.


 Small buds will appear on sides and these will develop into your baby’s arms and legs in coming days.

Other Systems

 The digestive, urinary and genital system are starting to develop and on very initial stage.


A seen through covering around embryo is outer layer of skin.

 How you are doing at sixth week of pregnancy?

Morning Sickness

 You are suffering with MORNING SICKNESS. Morning sickness does not happen in morning only. it can happen at any time of day even during night. I still remember my first pregnancy, I used to get up from sleep due to severe nausea. Try taking small snacks and more liquid. Eat small and frequent meals. Keep something to eat in morning before getting out of bed. It will help to reduce intensity of nausea in morning.


You may feel tired all day. You may be sleepy during day time too. Its all due to pregnancy hormones.

Becoming off Balance

Sometimes it feels, earth is shaking under your feet (feels like mild earth quake). Usually it is mild and you will be able to walk as normal.

Emotional Ups and Down

You may have wide range of emotions now a days. Don’t worry. It happens to many. Some of us cope with them easily some find it difficult. SO BE YOU….

During these days, meditation & mindfulness may be helpful. Support of family and partner also helps.

Sense of Smell and Food Choices

During this week sense of smell is at fullest, you will be smelling things which others don’t notice.

Your food choices will change drastically. You may be eating those things which you never had eaten in life. I remember myself, not a fan of banana but during my first pregnancy, it was my favorite food.

Frequent Urination

Another blessing of pregnancy, you will go to rest room to pee more often. Frequency increases due to increase in blood volume in pelvis.

Sometimes increased frequent urination is indication of Urinary Tract Infection. If this frequency is disturbing you or associated with pain and burning, then you should consult your doctor.


You are bloated, puffy. Your hair are becoming shiny and they are not falling now. Enjoy your shiny hair.

Things to do

·         Stay calm. These unpleasant symptom s are result of pregnancy hormones.

·         Keep something edible on bed side table so you could eat something before coming out of bed.

·         Continue prenatal vitamins.

·         Take care of rest. You can take nap during day time too.

·         Eat healthy, small frequent meals. drink water. Avoid dehydration.

·         Book appointment for antenatal examination.