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4th Week of Pregnancy

What Happens in Forth Week of PREGNANCY

You are still waiting for result. Many of us don’t know about being pregnant during fourth week of pregnancy. Some will know after missing periods and few will not be knowing even after few weeks of pregnancy.

You may be excited to know, what happens to fertilized ovum during fourth week of pregnancy. What changes occur in mother body during this week

 Cells in zygote are dividing at a rapid pace while moving towards the womb. The zygote is cluster of cells and looks like berry. It is called morula because it resembles more to Mulberry.

Cells are dividing and now it will be called as Blastocyst. Now Blastocyst will burrow itself in endometrium. It is called IMPLANTATION. It will be complete by the end of forth week. Blastocyst at this stage consists of several hundred cells. You are having a little tiny embryo in your womb now.

 The exterior cells of blastocyst will develop connection in endometrium and these will develop into PLACENTA in future. This way, nutrition and oxygen will be transferred to your developing baby.

The cells on inner side of blastocyst will differentiate in three layers. these three layers will form different structures of body of your baby. The innermost layer is named as ENDODERM. It will form Gastrointestinal system (gut and other organs like pancreas, liver, gallbladder etc.) and genital system and urinary system.

The middle layer is called mesoderm and it will form Cardiovascular system, bones and muscles. The outer most layer is called ectoderm and it will form skin nails hair and central system (brain spinal cord, neurons).

This tiny little life. now called Embryo is living in a sac called AMNIOTIC SAC. This sac is filled with fluid called AMNIOTIC FLUID.

HEART BEAT is not present during fourth week of pregnancy. You cannot find anything on ultrasound at this time.

You at this time

You may feel puffy or bloating. This little puffiness is due to pregnancy hormones. you may not be feeling any changes in your body at this time. By end of this week , very few women feel nausea. This is due to Pregnancy hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone.


When egg was released from ovary, little space was left behind. This space is filling itself with pale yellow cells. Now it is called CORPUSLUTEUM. CORPUS LUTEUM produces estrogen and progesterone. These hormones suppress menstruation means your periods. This way you miss periods.


If you are planning pregnancy then waiting for pregnancy is bit stressful. Being busy will keep your attention away from it but if you still want to perform test then you can have a home pregnancy test. By the end of tis week, you will be having enough hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) to detect pregnancy. But if it is negative, don’t loose heart and wait for missing of periods. Hopefully you will get news of tiny cute life inside you.

Continue taking Folic Acid daily as prescribed by doctor or health care provider.

Eat healthy diet, exercise and focus on your wellbeing.