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16th week of Pregnancy: what to expect and how to prepare

Pregnancy is a secret where a life is growing inside a life. it is wonderful time in a woman’s life when a new life is being formed inside her. Here comes the 16th week and this is second trimester of pregnancy. For most of you this is enjoyable time in pregnancy. That’s why this is called honeymoon period in pregnancy.

Your Baby at 16th Week

Baby’s Size

Your baby is 11.6 centimeter in length and 100 grams in weight. This tiny little being is growing fast.

Nervous System and Musculoskeletal System

Nervous system and musculoskeletal system are also growing and maturing. Your baby is moving in your womb. Movements of arms and legs are more coordinated now. More like he will have in world.

Development of Senses

Face is maturing with eyes and ears are at their place. Baby can see side to side and perceive light if exposed to.  You know there is dark in your womb & little one is not opening eyes. Your baby is listening all voices from around and inside of you. You can share your heart with little soul inside you. Baby is all ears.

Development of Hair Follicles

Baby’s skin is translucent (transparent) because pigment cells are not functioning. Hair follicles are developing in skin and baby will come in world with all hair follicles. Hair follicles do not develop after birth.  Number of hair follicles will remain same after birth.

You at 16th Week of Pregnancy

 You are five months away from holding your bundle of joy.  Sometimes it feels surreal that another human being is growing inside you.

Baby Bump

 You are also growing with your baby. It is magic of pregnancy. Some women don’t seem pregnant at this time and some will be having obvious bump.


You may have low backache. It is common complaint. All thanks to pregnancy hormones. Many changes are occurring in joints and muscles.

A warm bath and lying down for some time may help. At night you can place a pillow between legs and one under belly to ease your back pain. Pregnancy Pillow may help too.

Nasal Congestion

You may face Nasal Congestion. Blood flow increases in every part of body, so in nose. Increase in blood flow will cause congestion in lining of nose (mucus membrane). This is called Pregnancy Congestion. Saline spray or saline drops may help you.

Foot Pain

In pregnancy foot also passes thru many changes like decrease in foot arch and loosening of ligaments. Usually these changes are not permanent. Comfortable shoes and rest will help. This is a new reason for shopping trip.

 Things to Do

Healthy diet, regular exercise, healthy weight gain.

Prenatal vitamins, iron folate and calcium.

Pregnancy pillow may help in lying comfortably.

Shopping of maternity clothes and comfortable shoes.

Planning of coming times. Plan for baby birth and once baby comes. Think about support system.