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15th Week of Pregnancy: what to expect for You and for Your baby

Hey… You are in the 15th week & it is the 4th month of pregnancy.  You and baby are growing in speed you haven’t imagined. Five months are remaining. This week is time of profound changes. Let’s discuss this week together.

Fetus is looking more like a baby now 

How is baby doing now ?

Baby’s Size:

Your baby is growing fast and gaining weight. Baby’s weight is 80 grams, it is 10.1 centimeters from head to bottom. Its body is growing faster than head now, coming more in proportion to body. Fetus is looking more like a baby now.

Taste bud development:

 Baby’s taste buds are maturing and this process will be completed by 20 weeks. Then he will fully taste food, you are eating. Why not, eat healthy to make baby used to of it.

Lanugo hair:

 Baby’s skin is covered with soft and silky hair, called lanugo hair. The hair are colorless (have no pigment).

Baby’s face:

 Baby’s eye lashes and eye brows are growing. Eyes are moving towards center (at right spot). Eyes are still closed.

Ear development :

 Bones of inner ear are developing. Soon your baby will listen. Soon baby will be all ears and will listen your heart beat.

Activities in womb :

This little, tiny life is very active. It moves and stretches body, sucks thumb, swallow amniotic fluid, pees, does breathing exercises and takes naps. Your little one is preparing itself to adjust in real world.

 How are you now:

 Feeling some relief…you will be feeling comfort from morning sickness. You are more energized now. Enjoy this time and plan for days late in 3rtrimester.

Baby Bump:

 You have little bump. You can touch it, feel it. Don’t compare your bump with others. Bump size depends on many factors like number of pregnancies, number of fetus and tone of your abdominal muscles.

Ligament Pain:

You may be feeling pain on sides of lower belly. Increase on size of uterus causes stretch on round ligament & causes pain.

Heart burn:

Few of you are having heart burn. It is due to uterus ascending in abdomen and it is pushing stomach & intestines upwards.

 Eat small and frequent meals. Eating less spicy and less greasy food also help.


You may feel headache. Taking some rest in dark and quiet room helps. But if these headaches are frequent and severe in intensity, consult your health care provider/doctor.

Vaginal discharge:

There is more whitish vaginal discharge in pregnancy. It is due to more blood flow in pelvis. This discharge is flushing vagina & keeping it.

 Consult to your doctor if there is any change in color or consistency or it smells. It may be an indication of infection.

Weight gain:

Keep an eye on weight. Gaining one pound per week is healthy. You can eat 350 extra calories per day. Try to eat healthy.

5 Things to Do:

  1. Eat healthy, focus on diet and your activities. Healthy mothers will have healthy babies.

  2. Don’t underestimate significance of mild to moderate exercise. It improves not only physical health but has impact on mental health too.

  3. Plan shopping trip to buy new loose and comfortable clothes and shoes.

  4. Don’t miss prenatal vitamins

  5. Talk to your doctor about iron folate and calcium.