Pregnancy Salsa

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What happens in13th Week of Pregnancy

First trimester is over. You are in 13th week of pregnancy. This is second trimester of pregnancy. You may be feeling ease in few symptoms. You know after first trimester, chances of miscarriage decrease.

How is Baby Doing Now:

Baby’s size

Baby is 7.4 centimeter in length from head to toe. It weighs around 25 grams, about the size of a peach.

Skeletal system

Baby’s skeletal system is in process of maturing. Bones and limbs are maturing. Joints are in formation. Some joints keep on maturing even after birth.


Brain is developing fast. In this week left side of brain joins right side as corpus callosum has formed. Now signals from one side of brain can reach to other side. Liver and Pancreas are starting to function. Blood cells are forming in liver.

Baby’s movement

 Baby is active and moves a lot. you cannot feel these movements because it is very small.

Development of mouth & sucking reflex

 Your little baby is developing mouth muscles. Baby has sucking reflex now and you will be very lucky if your baby is sucking his thumb while you are having ultrasound.

Reproductive system 

Baby has ovaries and testis now. They are developing clitoris and penis but you cannot find gender of baby at this time.

You in Week 13:

How you are feeling now

You can touch and feel your little baby bump. Now pregnancy hormones and your body are busy in making peace with each other. So there will be some improvement in few symptoms. You may be feeling more energized, less fatigued and less tired.

You are feeling warm because during pregnancy metabolism rises.

Digestive system  

Some women are still suffering with heart burn, morning sickness and indigestion. Heart burn and delayed digestion may be due to advancement of pregnancy. The baby is increasing in size so is uterus. Growing uterus is pushing abdominal organs upward. So eat frequent, small and healthy meals. At this time, your baby does not need many calories, so you don’t have to eat much. Just add few calories in diet (200 calories).

Ligament pain

You may feel pain in sides of lower part of belly. It is due to expanding womb and stretching round ligaments. Sometimes you may have cramps.

Leg cramps

 You may feel leg cramps. Pregnancy hormones (relaxin & progesterone) levels rises many folds during pregnancy. These causes relaxation of muscles, joints & ligaments. You can have leg cramps especially at night. When it occurs, straighten your leg & pull toes of your toes towards your face. It will help in relief. Take care of your diet  & keep yourself hydrated.

Energy levels  

You will be feeling more energized now. It is time to prepare for coming times. Make preparations for baby. Go shopping for baby & yourself. 

Things to do:

It is time to discuss with partner about coming times, baby birth, job, care of baby etc.

It’ s time for Nuchal Translucency Test, Chorionic Villous Sampling, if your doctor feel its need.

Healthy diet and prenatal vitamins are necessary.

Continue walk and gentle exercise.