Pregnancy Salsa

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10th Week of Pregnancy

Your pregnancy is moving forward and its tenth week here. Embryo period of baby is over. Your baby is fetus now.

How is Baby Now:

Baby is growing very fast and now it is 3 centimeter in size. Baby’s movements are jerky and you can see these movements on ultrasound. It is very good feeling to see your baby on ultrasound. Thanks to development of technology.

Face development:

Baby’s face is taking shape at rapid pace. Features are becoming prominent day by day. Retina is developing and your little one can react to light now. Baby does not open eyes till 27th weeks. Nose has two teeny tiny nostrils. Ears are forming too. Jaw bone is also there, soon baby will have jaw line.

Baby’s heart

Baby’s heart is beating at very high rate (180 beats/minute). I was very happy when I first saw my baby’s heart beating on ultrasound. It was very emotional moment.

Baby’s limbs development

Baby’s bones are forming. Limbs are taking shape. There are indentations at areas where knees, ankles, elbows, wrists will form.

Baby’s teeth

Baby’s tooth buds are developing on gums. Was there any tooth fairy around?


Kidneys are producing urine. Baby will pee in amniotic fluid.

 How You are Doing Now

Mommy, you are also growing like your baby. Your jeans or pants may tighten in coming days.

Digestive system

Your digestive system may be more under influence of progesterone. Heart burn, flatulence, passage of wind may be there. Relax, it will go away after birth. There may be burping, constipation and changes in likes and dislikes of food. These are also due to relaxing effect of progesterone.


You may be lazy, sleepy, tired, moody. Don’t worry its part of pregnancy. There are high levels of progesterone hormone in your blood. Progesterone has relaxing effect on muscles and other systems.

 It will take some time to go. Try to take rest whenever you have a chance.

Morning sickness

Nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness is accompanying you. You will start feeling comfort from 14thweek onward. Be hopeful. Few lifestyle modifications will help to deal with it.

Vaginal discharge

You may have excessive vaginal discharge. It is due to increase in blood volume and more blood supply. If there is change in color, consistency or it turns smelly, consult your doctor.

Varicose veins

During pregnancy, veins become dark and prominent. Few of you will have varicose veins. These varicose veins disappear after delivery in postpartum period.

Beautiful mommy

You are having glowing skin, shiny hair, plump lips and bigger breasts (feeling sexy).

Things to Do

• Check your blood tests and consult doctor.

• Continue prenatal vitamins and especially Folic Acid.

• If you have any health issue then consult concerned doctor.

• Talk to your partner about your health.

• Go for ultrasound, if you have not done already.