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Breasts Engorgement

Tips to Prevent & Manage It:

What is Breast Engorgement?

Breast Engorgement is an issue faced by new moms especially in those who are first time moms. it is also called “Early Postpartum Engorgement”. It occurs when breasts are overly filled with milk. It causes tightness, increase in size of breasts, swelling & discomfort in breasts.

When Does It Occurs?

Usually it occurs in early days of breast feeding (between 3rd to 5th days) but it may also occur late like on 9th or 10th day.

Symptoms of Breasts Engorgement

It is usually mild or moderate but sometimes it is severe. Following are symptoms of engorged breasts:

·         tightness/tension in breast tissue

·         hot & tender breasts

·         severe & throbbing pain

·         fever and generalized aches & pains

Let us discuss causes & prevention, treatment (if it occurs) & complications of breast engorgement.

How Does Breast Engorgement Happen?

This happens when the breasts are overly filled with milk that lead to increased pressure, pain, and swelling of breast. It usually occurs in first few days after birth when new moms are learning to feed their babies. It does not happen to all but those, who face this issue find it uncomfortable. When engorgement occurs, breast increases in size and becomes painful and mother cannot nurse comfortably. Skin becomes tight on breast, veins under skin become prominent.

Causes of Breast Engorgement

For prevention and management of breast engorgement, it is important to understand the causes contributing to this condition:

Some degree of breast fullness may occur & it is normal because milk is coming in.

Engorgement of breasts may occur to any mom & any time if there is imbalance between milk produced and removal of milk.

·  If mother cannot feed frequently enough, milk can build up in the breasts.

·  Mothers who pump milk can develop engorgement because they are not relying on their babies when to remove milk.

·  Over production of milk than baby or babies can consume.  

·  Improper Latching: If the baby is not latching on correctly, it can hinder effective milk removal.

·  Introducing formula milk for some reason can reduce breastfeeding frequency.

Prevention of Breast Engorgement


 Drainage is best policy. Poor drainage will lead to engorgement

1.Frequent Nursing:

 Breastfeed frequently, it will help to regulate milk supply and prevent engorgement.

Let your baby breastfeed on one breast fully then shift to other breast

Alternate which breast you will offer first to baby.

2.Proper Latch

 Don’t delay to consult your healthcare provider or Breastfeeding Consultant, if you are feeling difficulty. Bra:

Wear a good supporting bra, it really helps.

5.Reverse Pressure

Gently press on areola or on area around nipple foe 30 seconds, it will shift some of fluid away from that area. It helps baby sucking milk easily.

 6. Manual Expression:

If your breasts are overly full, manual expression will relieve pressure & ensure effective milk removal. You can use pump to empty breasts.

7.Ask for Help

 If you are feeling difficulty in feeding, ask for help before this issue arises.

What if Your Breasts are Engorged? (management):

 To manage breast engorgement and alleviate discomfort. Here are some strategies to consider:

 1.Emptying Breasts: 

Don’t skip feeding even when engorgement happens, only emptying of breasts is the solution.

  2. learn Proper Latch:

 Breast consultant or healthcare provider will help you learn a proper latch, which helps in effective milk removal.

  3. cold packs:

Applying cold packs applied on breasts will reduce swelling , soften the breasts & decrease discomfort & pain.

4.Hot Shower

It may also soften the breast tissue and relieve discomfort.

5.Cold Cabbage Packs:

Apply washed & cold cabbage leaves to breast for 20 minutes or until leaves wilt. It helps to decrease discomfort.

6. Pain Relief:

Analgesic medication (pain killer) like Ibuprofen or Paracetamol can manage pain and inflammation. Remember to consult your healthcare provider before taking any medication.

Complications of Breast Engorgement

Following are complications of Breast Engorgement if not treated properly:

Blocked Milk Duct:

If breast engorgement continues, it can lead to blockage in milk duct. There may be a small & tender lump in breast.

Continue feeding from affected breast will help reduce swelling.


It happens when a blocked milk duct is infected. It will make breast hot and tender. Consult your doctor immediately.

Breast Abscess:

If mastitis left untreated or it was not resolved with treatment then it can lead to breast abscess. For this, you need hospital admission and surgical removal.  

In the End:

Breast engorgement is a manageable condition. Usually it is “EARLY POSTPARTUM ENGORGEMENT.” By understanding its causes, you can prevent it. If it occurs, managing at immediately is best. Few early steps can help to avoid complications.

If there are persistent symptoms, consult your healthcare provider or Breastfeeding Consultant.