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Pregnant and Wearing Heels : Risk and Tips of wearing Heels during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful & exciting experience but it is not without risks. During this period, your body goes through lots of changes for the accommodation of baby. During this 9 month period of joy, your responsibility, towards yourself & your baby is increased. As an obstetrician, I am always on side of caution. I always advise to avoid wearing heels during pregnancy as it is not risk free.

Pregnancy & wearing heels : Can be Risky

Reasons, why you shouldn’t wear heels in pregnancy

Decrease in FOOT ARCH:

  • Pregnancy hormones (Progesterone & Relaxin) increases flexibility & loosening of foot ligaments especially near ball joints. It leads to decrease in foot arch.

  • Increase in your weight also adds to decrease in foot arch.

  • Ligaments also loose at ankle join may loose balance and go off balance.

  • Decrease in ankle strength and foot arch may be cause of loosening balance.

Altered Centre of Gravity

As your baby grows in size, your tummy grows & protrudes outward & forward. pelvic muscles also bends forward. your body’s center of gravity changes. Your weight is directed towards heels. Wearing heels may lead to loose balance and tripping while walking.

Increase in weight

There is increase in weight in pregnancy. There will be more strain on your ankles & It may add to loosening of balance.

Side effects of wearing heels:


In pregnancy, some women have backache. Wearing heels will exacerbate it.

Off balance

Due to decrease in foot arch, altered center of gravity, weight gain causes some women goes off balance. With heels, frequency of being off balance increases.

Leg cramps

When you wear heels, your calf muscles compresses. It causes muscle cramps in calf and worsens during pregnancy.


While pregnant, wearing heels increases chances of falls. Falls may cause you injury. It may harm your baby too.

Stiffening of leg and back muscles

When you wear heels in pregnancy, your leg & back muscles stiffen and makes you uncomfortable. It may cause severe muscle pain too.

When a pregnant woman should stop wearing heels:

Some specialists allow women wearing heels during first trimester of pregnancy for short period of time. Wearing for long periods may result in back and leg muscle stiffness. You can easily blame pregnancy hormones for this. In my opinion, if you want to wear heels, wear it for very short time. Stop wearing high heel shoes during second half of pregnancy.

6 Tips for wearing heels while pregnant:

If, for some reason, you are wearing heels, then take care of following:

  1. Don’t wear for long period of time.

  2. Wear comfortable shoes.

  3. If there is swelling feet, then take off shoes and elevate for some time.

  4. Don’t walk fast & take support if needed.

  5. Choose your shoes wisely, stiletto are not safe. Wedges may be good option.

  6. Avoid wearing heels in last trimester preferably.

Taking care of yourself and your baby is your responsibility. Be mindful while making choices. It is for you and your baby’s health and safety.  Your Pregnancy is precious. Take care of it.