Foot changes during Pregnancy: Symptoms Causes and Tips for Pregnant Moms

Pregnancy is one of most beautiful & rewarding experience in a woman’s life. It comes with lots of emotional & physical changes in life.

Pregnancy affects musculoskeletal system & feet are not spared. Here, I will explain why and how these FOOT changes occur in feet during pregnancy.

Decrease in Arch Support

Here you can easily blame your pregnancy hormones that are affecting any & every system of your body.

Once you conceive, the hormones, PROGESTERONE & RELAXIN rises many folds, for growth, development, accommodation and delivery of baby. Major function of these hormones is increasing flexibility and loosening of ligaments to facilitate in pregnancy & birth of baby.

 These hormones loosen the foot ligaments, especially near ball of foot, leads to decrease in foot arch. This decrease in foot arch may cause pain & strain in foot (planter fasciitis).

Gain in weight during pregnancy also has adding affect.

Lowered foot arch can lead to foot pain and strain.

Increase in Foot Size

The loosing effect of pregnancy hormones leads to widening and lengthening of foot thus increasing foot size. Now you will be on a shopping trip for new shoes, once it happens.

This increase in shoe size usually vanishes after pregnancy but sometimes it becomes permanent. This change is usually more pronounced during first pregnancy.

Change in Body’s Center of Gravity

Your pelvis & growing abdomen is curving forward and your posture is leaning backward. Due to these changes, your center of gravity also changes. Weight is shifted more towards your heels.

Change in Gait

During pregnancy, the way you stand and walk, changes. Some studies show, that your gait (the way, you walk) changes throughout your pregnancy. Shifting of weight backwards changes your gait to waddling gait.

Ingrowth of Toe Nail

Pregnancy brings a positive change in growth and appearance of your nails and hair. They grow fast and becomes shiny. Sometimes, your big toe’s nail grows inwards as soft tissue is also growing around it due to edema. It may cause pain, infection, swelling & sometimes pus formation.

If any such problem occurs, talk to your health care provider. Deal it early before it worsens.

Edema feet

Edema affects eighty percent of pregnant women especially in feet, ankles and legs but it is manageable.

 5 Relief Tips for Edema Feet:

  1.  Rest often & elevate your legs as much you can easily. It will help to decrease in swelling of ankles and feet.

  2.  Active lifestyle. walking helps your calf muscles work and help to move extra fluid upwards from lower body.

  3.  Hydration helps to remove extra salt from body (excessive salt causes retention of water in body).

  4.  Swimming helps too decrease swelling due to gentle pressure of water on body tissues. It also gives soothing effect.

  5.   Massage, foot massage may help to decrease swelling.

 If edema is sudden, unilateral or changes your weight markedly, immediately consult your doctor. it may be indication to some serious problem like preeclampsia etc.

Foot Cramps:

During pregnancy, foot & leg cramps are common during pregnancy. The reason is unknown but may be due to changes in calcium in blood. Tired muscles & pressure of growing uterus & increase on weight may be reason.

 3 Relief Tips for Foot Cramps:

  1. When cramp occurs, straighten your knee and pull your foot towards you. It relieves muscles in calf &foot.

  2. If it is disturbing your life routine, you can talk to your doctor about calcium, magnesium & vitamin B supplements

  3.  Hydrate because dehydration makes cramps worse.


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